Title Insurance
Title Insurance — Attorneys’ & Brokers’ Abstract Company
What better name for a title insurance agency owned by real estate lawyers and brokers? Founded in 1982, Attorneys’ & Brokers’ Abstract Company provides title insurance services in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Our law and brokerage backgrounds, plus 3 decades of experience, means we know how to solve complex title issues quickly and effectively.
What exactly is Title Insurance?
Created in the 1860’s to provide real estate owners protection against claims of ownership by others, title insurance works quite differently from most insurance you encounter. A premium is paid only once, yet your coverage lasts as long as you own your property (and even longer). By searching the public records, a title insurance agent tries to clear liens and judgments, mortgages and other claims before your purchase or refinance is completed.
Title insurance is a very technical activity most people don’t think about until a claim arises. Although they occur infrequently, a title claim can be emotional and frightening, since someone else is claiming a right to your property.
Be careful who you chose to purchase title insurance from. Make certain the agent and underwriter are professionals, and have adequate staying power to be there if you need them in the future.